250 x 25mm 25mm bore 28 gauge Wire Wheel
MSFS (RPM)3600
– Provides an economical brushing tool of medium fill density for general brushing
– Medium flexibility and aggressive cutting action
– The product will minimize brush changeover due to wear, as the product has been specifically designed for long life brushing
– The product places the greatest number of wire tips on the work surface for fast cutting action and long life
– Brushes can be used singularly or stacked in multiples. create a wide-face brushing tool by stacking a series of brushes, eliminating the need to have a specialized brushing tool designed
– Largely used on a bench grinder
– Flash removal plastic and rubber, steel parts
– Edge blending
– Deburring
– Surface preparation prior to plating or painting
– Cleaning of paint, rust, dirt and scale
– Roughening for adhesion
– Finishing for appearance
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